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Brand Managers Should Think Differently About Content Marketing



Traditional brand managers fall into the trap of thinking and believing that true branding can only be achieved offline. They fail to think about content holistically in ways that boost their brand outside their own online platform and some think that measuring ROI in tradition ways is a way to measure their success in social media. These are some of the mistakes common with brand managers and partly some of the reasons why more branding dollars have not yet come online and are still in traditional media (TV, radio, print publications) and offline content marketing (e.g., product placement in movies and sponsored soap operas). This is true regardless of the fact that in the current day and age many people and actually more people spend much more time consuming content online.  

Brand advertising is trying to entice awareness, consideration, affinity, and remembrance not necessarily an immediate purchase. True branding benefits the positive image or feeling we associate with a product’s name or logo. True branding can be achieved in the online space when you let your brand participate in or contribute to the consumer’s online experience. Tip to achieve this;

1.       Use smart online video ads, which do not simply take your TV ads and deliver then online, but rather considers the size of screen, interactivity, and social opportunities.

2.       Consider social media campaigns that interact directly with consumers and influencers to humanize your brand in ways that were never possible before(HiPipo Charts Festival with Pepsi)

3.       Develop content in several different formats to provide a true value-add for consumers of your category, services or products.

4.       Release content on a regular basis to develop a cohesive brand story.

Portraying a brand message that will resonate with an online audience and drive them to develop an affinity for the brand in a meaningful way must be fueled by content.

You may have developed some content specifically to exist on your website but think holistically about earned media amplification. Earned media includes all content assets that are not owned by you and can live outside your own online presence — on blogs, YouTube, or anywhere else. It doesn’t need to replace driving traffic to your owned content assets, but it can surely augment it and hence grow your brand.

Do you want your digital team to ONLY use direct response tactics that will drive sales on your eCommerce site, or do you also want to reach as many people as possible and influence the choice they’ll make next time they’re walking down the grocery aisle? Digital marketing teams with a results-only mindset will disregard the value of branding and will not consider other benefits of a content marketing strategy. To do branding online, it’s largely about content. Provide people with quality content, embrace recommendations and favorable content created by third parties, be patient and you shall win the marathon with long-term consumers. See whole article here

Used Condom Found In The Big Brother Africa Stargame House- WHO?


Yadel from Liberia has found a used condom in her suit case.

It’s just a week in the house but the housemates in the Downville are already acting contrary to what biggie should have order them…that is if he gave them some rules on entry.

Since the condom didn’t come with names of the users printed on it, which housemate do you suspect?

We all know the use of a condom right? The condom appears with fluid in it, which appears like it’s not been long in the suitcase.

Jannette from Uganda is a Virgin if we go by what she said in the house!

Who are your suspects?

Nokia darling, Samsung is taking over at your watch



Nokia has long been a darling especially in developing markets such as Uganda, Kenya and the rest of Africa where it has delivered affordable and durable phones for years. Despite this, Nokia’s lead in the market is threatened by its slow penetration in the Smartphone market which has seen Apple and Samsung lead.  According to the latest data from IDC, Samsung was the biggest phone maker by shipments in Q1 2012, followed by Nokia and Apple. Samsung shipped 93.8 million units, compared to Nokia’s 82.7 million, and Apple’s 35.1 million.

Samsung’s strategy has seen it deliver a bewildering number of different models. This has seen Samsung having a phone to suit pretty much every potential customer. If you want something pocket able that’s cheap, there’s a Samsung Galaxy for that (last check with Orange Uganda web shop had Samsung S5570 Galaxy Mini going for 399,000/- ($160). Need lots of power, a massive screen and a stylus to draw pictures with? Samsung Galaxy S Plus or Galaxy S-2 is for you and now Samsung just launched Samsung Galaxy S3. The Samsung Galaxy S3 brings a gorgeous 4.8-inch 720p display, quad-core processor and 8-megapixel camera, all crammed into a good-looking,  slim and light casing.

Where do these developments leave Nokia the darling?  The mobile industry can change with only a single product and Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone OS that has seen good reviews may be Nokia’s big return to challenge in the Smartphone business. Nokia will need to replicate its successful model that delivered affordable phones to now deliver durable and affordable Smartphone and this it needs to do sooner before Samsung becomes the darling to Ugandans and other Nokia markets at Nokia’s watch!


Seydou is a GIRL, Says Eve



It’s week two, three housemates have already left the house. Maneta moved to Upville! Julio, Hilda and Teclar unfortunately made their exit from the Big Brother StarGame house forever!

From the Diary Room:  “He’s a girl. He’s all up in girls’ businesses, he’s vain, he always looks at himself in the mirror, and he’s always fighting with girls. Most housemates are not happy with him. Who swears someone’s mother and slaps a girl and then boasts about it? Who says that? How old is he, 13? Big Brother should punish people for violence”, Eve said about Seydou.

Meanwhile the sisters Edith and Eve were emotional after fighting for the past couple of days. Eve has been very upset, as she says that Edith has been talking about her to the other Housemates. “She was drunk and told the Housemates that I have fake hair and a bad attitude and said other mean things. She’s my sister and still said that stuff about me. I would never do that to her. She can’t even say sorry to me.” Edith then apologised.

From UPVille, When asked about the differences between the two houses, Maneta said: “There’s less noise, less violence and drama, more food, hot water and my own big bed. It feels so good right now.”
She added that she however feels bored. “I’m getting bored of Upville. I’m a fun-loving, crazy person. I expect a bit of life in there. It’s boring me to death.”

Who is leaving the house this week?  Second eviction nights, on nomination are;

Dalphin; Sierra Leone

Zainab; Sierra Leone

Yadel; Liberia

Luke; Liberia

Unlimited Internet Bundles, What are Uganda Telecom Operators offering?



In the wake of Safaricom announcing that it will be discontinuing the sale of all unlimited data bundle products and that it may focus its energies on fixed data, the question of what Uganda operators are offering comes to center stage.  Safaricom as of 2012 Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) report is the leading data services provider in Kenya and hence any move it takes may have big implications to the market.  Will other players follow suit in Kenya and Uganda or will they be more innovative in their offerings to high volume consumers?

The Uganda market has some unlimited data packages which cost about 300,000 UGX as of April 2012.  It is claimed by some consumers that sometime it is almost impossible to play a single 5 minute 20MB video with unlimited data package since the video may take 30 minutes to steam which amount of wait time is unacceptable to a user.  Hence the following questions linger in mind; 

1.       Are Uganda operators offering unlimited packages on paper i.e in theory?

2.       Are there details about these unlimited packages that operators hide from customers?

3.       Could it be that the failed video stream is deliberately the operator’s doing and the customer is not made aware of this in the term of services?

Unlimited package for some operators have speeds not exceeding 512 kilobits per second (kpbs). What is not publically known is if there is another data cap coming with these products on the Uganda market such that when you get to the cap you are then lowered further to less speed e.g 128 kbps or 64 kbps.  If this is the case then there isn’t a Uganda operator offering truly unlimited packages in terms of both volume and speed.

For high volume consumers, an offer of high volume packages could be an attraction but currently they are at quite very expensive rates(over 1M UGX for 100GB) if the average individual or family is going to try them. The other option is fixed/dedicated broadband services. Some operators have with an initial cost of over 2000 USD and about 300USD per month for 512kps minimum speed. This initial cost is could still be on the high side if individuals, families and SME are to take on these fixed data products.

With the above in mind and if unlimited mobile 3G packages turn out to be unprofitable(such as for Safaricom’s case) and  tempting operators to provide poor quality of service, shall the Uganda market see more affordable fixed data packages that can be embraced by individuals, families, and SMEs?


Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson Fired Following Fake Computer Science Degree on His Resume



Over the first 2 weeks of May, 2012, Yahoo CEO has been in news, not for anything good but for a Fake Computer Science Degree on His Resume!   He is finally out; he is fired though a reason for resignation may be used to divert attention.  This is less that 6 months since he was hired.

Despite his proven experience and success as a former president of PayPal who took over YAHOO from Carol Bartz who was dismissed in September, the fake computer science degree on his resume has cost him the current job but more importantly his reputation.  Thompson claimed in his resume that he graduated with a degree in accounting and computer science in 1978 from Stonehill College. While the school confirms that Thompson does in fact have a degree in accounting, the school did not offer a computer science degree until 1983 — that’s five years after Thompson graduated.

Levinsohn, currently the global media head overseeing advertising across all of Yahoo is expect to be interim CEO.

For Ugandans and anyone that seeks to pursue a successful career, the key lesson from Scott Thompson fall is that never should you fake you resume. If you fake and get by now, it may and will cost you when it matters most. Scott Thompson fake degree is for over 20 years back and here it is costing him now in 2012. 

Evictions: Three Evicted! Maneta Moves to the Posh Upville



Maneta moves to Upville! Julio, Hilda and Teclar unfortunately have made their exit from the Big Brother StarGame house forever!

Tonight, Big Brother StarGame (BBA7) Downville house has lost four housemates, and now Liberia and Sierra Leone have been randomly selected for eviction next week!

The Nominations are in for Sierra Leone Duo: Zainab and Dalphin, and Liberian Duo: Yadel and Luke. Who will be leaving the house next? Make your prediction right here and cast your vote to keep your favorite in the Big Brother StarGame show!

After a week of endless gossip, Big Brother house was finally put  off tension as 4 housemates left Downville; 3 leaving for their homes and 1 went to the posh Upville house.

Zimbabwe’s Princess of Zamunda – ‘Teclar’ – was unable to use her ‘royal powers’ to save herself from getting evicted. From Tanzania, Julio and the cheerful Hilda were evicted to catch the first plane to TZ, after only a week in the Stargame, so sad!

As Downille housemates gathered in the lounge, Maneta and Teclar were the first to be told to leave the Big Brother House.

Maneta simply made a dramatic beeline for the Eviction doors, telling Julio not to touch her, as he reached for a hug. Maneta knew nothing that she was about to upgrade to posh Upville.

Teclar was evicted leaving her fellow Zimbabwean not sure of her fate. A few minutes later, Maneta was gratified to know that she had been promoted to Upville.

Maneta, welcome to your new home!

With the Tanzania Duo evicted this leave Big Brother Stargame house with 2 East African duos from Uganda and Kenya.

How To Better Your Brain As You Get Of Age



Every aspect of your environment stimulates your brain, for better or worse. The sights, sounds, textures, aromas, tastes, and other sensations that you experience daily serve as nourishment for your mind and spirit.

Providentially, one of the simplest and most amusing things you can do to improve your mind as you age is to create a beautiful, positive, brain-enhancing environment. You don’t need to first see a doctor to get your brain perfect in shape, become your own doctor starting from now.

Key facts to note;

Frequent learning and reading help to keep your memory up to date.

Exercise and diet are key for more brain power

Always create a free brain enhancing environment and start up healthy relationships

Sleep, Naps and Meditation: Always have time to sleep as this helps to repair your memory capacity

Here’s a four-Great ideas plan to get you started:

1. Make Good Sound and Light as part of your daily living

With no doubt, Noise has a detrimental effect on your mind and body, but always pleasant sounds affect you in a positive way. Make effort as much as possible to eliminate pollutant, unnecessary and unpleasant sound. Equip yourself with good music that always carries great meaning, this will help you think more and better whenever you listen to that music.

Don’t just dance to beats that don’t make you think or feel any different. This will help you keep your brain in shape.

Light has a very great effect on Human body and mind. Bad/mutant light can not only change your body colour but also affect the way you think. Don’t sit in an office working or house watching TV 7 days a week.

At the least, take atleast 30 minutes of your time daily and stay on the sunlight, or natural light. Natural sunlight is the healthiest source of light. It contains a rainbow of wavelengths that influence your hormone production, metabolism and biological clock.

Without enough sunlight, the immune system is weakened, and many people experience depression.

2. Reconnect with Nature

Because you were born from IHK, it doesn’t mean that forests, the trees and general environment were not created to be part of you. Take some time away from those tall buildings in town, the gassy and noisy cars. You can even walk in bush as long as it is not dangerous. Get refreshed with the natural air and the beautiful natural scent from green plants. Human brains get refreshed this way and keep in good working condition as you get of age.

3. Enliven your Mind with Fresh Air

Along with harmonious sound and natural light, fresh air is another essential element for the long-term health of your body and mind. We may not be able to determine that quality of outdoor air given the fact that a lot of pollution goes on every minute by different individuals, but we can have a hand on the indoor air.

You can consider indoor air purification by setting up air purification systems or planting healthy house plants to keep you fresh in your house.

Bad/contaminated air does not only affect your digestive system but also affects your mind and weakens your memory capacity.

4. Cultivate Healthy Relationships and Stay Sexy!

Keep socially interactive, with friends and all those people around you. Have some time to read some news on HiPipo.com, Chat with Friends on Facebook and Make video call on Skype, just for laughs.

Stress has never been good for your brain in the long run. Well as some people believe that they get to work better and achieve faster because of the influence of stress, these people end up losing so much mentally.

Start great relationships that make you smile deep from your heart. A Friend that never makes you happy is not a good one for your brain. Also mind the stories each of those friends are interested in. Don’t get your mind contaminated with failure and hate. Always have some love as this is a health way to keep you smiling and hence keep your brain in good working capacity as you get of age.

If you are socially interactive, then you will always keep younger and fresh in mind. “If you are socially engaged, you are at lower risk of dementia.” Said Valerie Crooks, D.S.W.

You need to have healthy romantic relationships. Live with people who touch you and make an impact on your body and mind. And if social interaction and touching are good for the aging brain, then sex must be golden! “Sex can extend your life.” Said Walter M. Bortz, M.D.

Till next time, keep at HiPipo 5Star for more great and inspirational expert advice.

How to Treat Your Mom on this Mother’s Day



Mother’s Day is a celebration that honors mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March, April, or May. In Uganda, Mother’s day is celebrated in May.

You lived for months in her womb, knowing nothing that you would be become that great person you are today. You look so beautiful/handsome and very many people want to at least say hi too you thanks to the fact the she bore all the pain to have you.

Every one of us has a different kind of mother by character, appearance, understanding and love, so, your mother is your mom.

Your mother took time to raise you and she definitely played the biggest part in your making, you are now a star. What have you done to say thanks to that one of the kind lady?

Make Mother’s Day Count

There are plenty of ways to take care of your mom on this Mother’s Day, but there are a lot of the common suggestions, like buying flowers, don’t necessarily apply to all moms.  It’s up to you to think of how the make your mother’s day special and recognizable.

For instance, if your mom is an outdoorsy person who would love an all-day hike in beautiful weather, feel free to skip all the traditional advice and spend the whole day that way. Use your imagination. Take her to a pottery class, go for a concert, watch a mother’s movie away from home, visit the aviary, go to a musical you’d otherwise never be able to tolerate — any big gesture that shows you’re a considerate, attentive son/daughter who actually knows her interests. That said, here are some general rules that apply to pretty much all mothers for you to follow.

1) Make Something Personalized

What does your mom like most, shoes, clothes, jewelry, what could it be, you can spend very little cash but make so much sense to her. Think of something that is not commonly given out as a gift, you can move to a craft shop and make order for a branded bag, or pair of shoes.  Just be creative, think of something specially for her, you don’t need to explain its uniqueness, as she will see it with her eyes.

2) Cook Her A Meal

Whether you are male or female, staying with your mom or not, especially for this annual mothers’ day, take some time and prepare her a meal. Take away that pride and busy schedule you have, you can only do this when you still have your mother. So get to the kitchen, prepare the best meal you would wish for someone you love by heart. She will be so happy to receive that delicious meal. Remember you are doing this at no extra budget.

3) Plan Something For The Future

Ask your mom about where she would want to go and have fun. This must be asked on mother’s day. Whether she wants to go and watch the Ebonies, Bakayimbira, Afrigo Band, go to the museum, anything she may suggest. Don’t just suggest that you will go sometime, commit and make a clear date for that outing. She will be glad to accept; after all it’s her to suggest the place.

4) Treat Mom To Something Original

Most importantly, make sure you do something in your means. You might be very far by distance or far by the fact that you don’t really make up, but take the initiative to send her a message, call her and tell her something. Remember you a doing this for your mother, so you ought to be real and pure.

I am most sure this will work out for you this mothers’ day. Keep right on HiPipo 5Star for more amazing tips, expert analysis and social business and tech news.

Which Telecom Operator is Offering Better Data Services; HiPipo Survey, 2012 Second Quarter



In this day and age, data customers are searching for an enriched experience from the telecom providers. HiPipo.com as a leader in delivering Uganda content would love to see our visitors and fans have the best internet services in order to access all our services. The Uganda telecom operators such as Orange, Warid, Airtel, MTN and UTL are largely advertising enhanced data networks with some stating that they are offering 3.75G+. Essentially we would expect users of these services to have very fast data services, browsing & searching & reading email will happen in very few seconds, streaming of video would be to notch fast.

Despite the recent trends of the said improved networks, Quality of Service (QoS) that determines the degree of satisfaction of a user of the service is still said to derail Uganda operators.  Using a quarterly survey, HiPipo intends to measure the subjective satisfaction of you our visitor (you the telecom customer) from which we can base to recommend to our fans the better internet service to access HiPipo.com Services. We invite you to complete the survey below to express your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the data service you are currently using.   This survey is for the second quarter of 2012, April to June

1.       Which Operator’s Data Service are you using?

2.       Are you using a Data Bundle e.g 500MB, 1GB, 10GB or are you using UNLIMITED Package?

3.       How fast is Browsing & searching (e,g Google, News websites, HiPipo.com)

4.       How fast is Reading/sending e-Mails (e.g Yahoo, Gmail)

5.       How fast is Downloading music/photos (e.g from Facebook, HiPipo.com)

6.       How fast is Downloading and/or Streaming videos (e.g YouTube, HiPipo.com)

7.       How fast is Uploading music & photos

8.       How fast is Playing online games

9.       How fast is Audio and Video Chat e.g Skype

10.   Do you consider the service you get is worth the price you pay?

11.   Which Operator do you consider to offer the best internet data services?