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Big Brother StarGame; Zainab shaves off her Hair



This 26 year old one time survivor in Big Brother StarGame Upville house never stops surprising housemates and the general public following this reality TV show.

Zainab escaped eviction last Sunday after having lead country votes, and her country mate Dalphin was evicted with 2 other housemates.

Lately, Zainab has cut off her hair and she looks so different!

After telling Barbz that she wanted to shave her head to become the perfect image for the Art Fusion Task, Sierra Leone’s Zainab went ahead shaved her head.

She really seems to be a serious decision maker, and she made a surprising one this time.

Last evening, Zainab employed forces including Prezzo, DKB and Roki to be a part of her ‘glam squad’. The guys all took turns helping out with chopping off her locks, as some of the girls in Upville house watched.

Maneta seemed taken aback by Zainab’s bold decision and asked the model why she was cutting her hair. Zainab revealed that she cuts her hair often and isn’t too addicted to hair extensions and weaves, like other girls. Barbz told the other girls the look is bound to give Zainab a leg up in the cutthroat modeling industry.

Did Zainab take the best decision? Will Biggie like her looks in the next presentation? We can only hope things don’t back fire.

What do you think about Zainab’s new look?

To take you back, Zainab is the same housemate that had a date with Biggie during week 1.

MTN: The First African Brand in BrandZ Top 100 Global Brands



MTN has become the first African brand to feature in BrandZ Top 100 coming in at position No 88 at a valuation of $9.2 billion as of 2012.

Developed by leading research agency, Millward Brown Optimor, BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands is a brand rankings that include consumer data as a component element in arriving at the brand value. The rankings survey over 150,000 people around the world.

Among the key highlights of this ranking is the rise of Africa as they state that “This year’s ranking highlights the progress of Africa’s economic development with the arrival of the first African brand in the Top 100 – South African mobile company MTN – No 88 at $9.2 billion. But it’s not just African brands that are thriving south of the Sahara. Around 40% of Guinness’s sales come from Africa, Airtel’s third quarter results showed a 16% increase in revenue in Africa. Similarly, Orange enjoyed rapid growth in Africa in 2011, while Walmart invested there with the acquisition of Massmart.”

Seven of the top 10 brands are technology or telecoms brands with Apple being the number one brand.

It is further emphasized that the The Future is Mobile: The future of the internet will be predominantly mobile rather than computer based. Mobile, to some extent, has been shielded from the recession as one of the few items consumers don’t want to give up or cut back on. The most valuable telecoms brand is AT&T worth $68.8 billion. Whilst the USA’s largest mobile service provider, Verizon, increased its brand value by 15% in the last year and is now worth $49.1 billion. 

The Orange Africa Social Venture Prize 2012



As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy and its Innovation strategy, Orange has launched the Orange African Social Venture Prize a project that aims at promoting social innovation for development.

According to http://www.starafrica.com The African Social Venture Prize will reward three projects or enterprises addressing needs of the ‘bottom of pyramid’ market in Africa through technology. The 3 winners will receive a financial grant (25,000 Euro, 15,000 Euro, and 10,000 Euro) and they will also benefit from a 6-month mentoring by management experts.

The digital projects range from e-health and mobile banking to digital and mobile applications for education or agriculture.


Orange states that Participants, regardless of nationality, must be more than 21 years old, can either be students, entrepreneurs or companies in activity since June 2009. The businesses or projects submitted are required to target at least one of the African countries of Orange’s footprint. Their core business has to use technology in an innovative way to enhance living conditions of local populations.

The African countries of Orange’s footprint are Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Uganda, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Botswana.

 Applications are open from:  May 22nd to September 21st 2012.

Google+ Hangouts On Air: One reason to be on Google Plus



Google+, Google’s big push to social media has yet to gain fan boys in order to come anywhere close to taking away a share of Facebook’s supremacy. Apart from search related advantages brands may have with being actively on Google+, there is one good reason to be on Google+ and that reason is the Google+ Hangouts on Air.

Hangouts on air enable your brand to do live video broadcasts to unlimited viewers instantly and for free.  

Originally Google+ Hangouts, allowed you to video chat with up to 9 different people at once and now Google+ Hangouts on Air, lets you broadcast to an unlimited audience.   Google+ Hangouts is being rolled out around the world. By last check (May 2012), it was available to Kenya subscribers but not yet for Uganda though we hope it will be coming soon even to Ugandans.


Google+ Hangouts On Air

1.       Hangouts On Air allow you to publicly broadcast your Hangouts on YouTube and your Google+ stream for anyone to watch. When broadcasting, your video will stream live on your YouTube account and on your Google+ stream. This means you can share your YouTube URL with anyone who wants to watch your broadcast live.

2.       Live-Stream Your Hangout on Any Website. While in your Hangout, you can grab the YouTube video embed code and paste it into your blog or website to get more viewers and reach.

3.       Incorporate Google+ Apps ; Right now, you can use a number of applications like Google Docs, SlideShare and Cacoo to help you collaborate or present your ideas in video. This gives you the same functionality of hosting your own webinar at no cost.

5 things YOU should not do on your first date



She looks so beautiful; you and everybody around you can see this. In fact, that richer Don close to you feels like passing over his Business card to her someway! But who told you she is uncomfortable with you? Why do you have to rush so much for something the heavenly belongs to you and you alone.

Unless if you just have plans to work out something with her for a night/day/party/week/month, but if not so, then make sure you take your time.

Why do have to do everything you would do in a year in only one day. You want to go shopping, watch a movie, take her to your friends, check you ATM balance, show her your classy apartment etc.. It is not worth it and, when you do this, you will have killed the would be love, that moment.

Here are 5 Mistakes that you should avoid on your first date;

1. Tell her your profession not your position

Women and security are inseparable, they want know they will happily live tomorrow and the next years with you. But this is not what they want to know about you first. On your first date, control your tongue and make sure you only say what is most necessary. Try to see how you can create a conversation about you and her. Let her know your profession if you wish so but not your position in that company. If you are a boss, she is not interested in your ‘Boss’ alias, be yourself and let her know you for you.

2. Don’t talk about family and best friends

You are the first and most important thing she wants to know about. Unless if she found you at a family party, with friends, this in not something you need to introduce to her on your first date. Make sure you take more time trying to know her and let her know you just a bit. Remember she is more interested in knowing you than you do.  Let her ask you about your friends, family etc if she so wishes.

3. No discussion beyond 1 Hour

If possible, carry an alarm clock in your bag, or set alarm on your phone. Besides, you can ask a friend, one you trust so much to call you in exactly 45 minutes time, let her know you are a busy and responsible guy. Make sure that friend doesn’t call you to speak about soccer, basketball. Use the remaining 15 or less minutes to conclude with her and say goodbye, if it is not too late, don’t spend more time with her trying to drop her home.

4. Your Future Plans and Money should be out of your talk?

If she is interested in YOUR money, then she must have seen that money aspect in you already before accepting that date. But hey, who told you whoever looks money actually has the flowing cheques. So then, take some time, don’t over rule the conversation selfishly talking about you, your future plans and money are things to talk about later on, so please make sure you strictly talk about love and your feelings.


5. You simply can’t Kiss her!

Where in the world did you get this idea? On first date, and you want to peck or kiss her, trust me you are just terrible. You might think you are winning her too fast but contrary to your belief, you are giving her reasons to let go of you as soon as she knows your bad side. If she belongs to you, then she definitely does, so don’t rush, you will get it all that you ever wanted from her.

I hope these tips will help you polish up, especially the single guys out there. Thanks for reading, remember to share this piece with your friends and leave your comment below.

Uganda Telecom Revamps’ its website, Weldone!




For the last several years, I found it a shame for a company as big as Uganda telecom with enough cash, engineers, and IT experts to have a website that could only be equated to project of a first year IT student.  It was so poor in navigation lacked a clear structure and was hardly updated.  That is no more now since Uganda Telecom has of today(May 21st)  launched a new website based on WordPress Content Management System(CMS)  (Just  a few days after when we had run an article about CMSes that companies can use to improve their online presence)

A quick review of the new UTL website, the positives

1.       Very good branding

2.       Fast to load pages

3.       Uses WordPress CMS

4.       Very nice and light homepage slider

5.       Very nice and well positioned bottom slider

6.       Clear social media tools in the footer

7.       Very good footer menu

8.       Well positioned external links  at the top e.g link to mobile website http://www.utmobile.ug/ (Mobile website may be lacking)


1.       There is redundant information such as definition of internet

2.       Navigation is a little mixed up at some sections .e .g a visitor does not easily get clear difference between business internet solutions and personal internet solutions while navigating.

3.       Social media link to YouTube is not right

4.       Contact Us is not the same Customer Care. It is conversion for websites to have a contact us menu or link but that is not the case with UTL’s new website. I had to search for contact us and when I did not find it I had to look under the Customer Care Menu.

5.       Very important:  Lacking information.  I could not find prices for their data package.

6.       Menu Order – May be UTL could reconsider the position of “About US”.

With those quick observations, we at HiPipo believe UTL has made a very good thing to improve their online presence and we commend the team for the job well done. 

Uganda Broadband Internet Is Very Expensive



Over the last decade Broadband has been shifting from a luxury to a necessity and human right as has been pronounced by MTN Uganda through its adverts.

Broadband internet service can deliver quality education, healthcare and employment opportunities.  Through tele-health services, a few specialist healthcare practitioners can deliver quality service to teeming patients in remote areas by electronic means, thereby improving on the volume and quality of healthcare services across the country.

In the educational sector, internet access would make it possible for huge numbers of people employed and full time students, to obtain quality education through distance learning schemes, improving their value and rewards in the labour market.

It would also make it possible for other retired professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, journalists, accountants, among others to contribute to the growth of the economy, by working from their villages or other remote locations without having to suffer the discomfort and costs of commuting. It would also improve the quality of education in universities and other tertiary institutions, by encouraging co-operation and collaboration between educational institutions and top rated foreign institutions.
Quality and affordable internet access, would also give impetus to electronic commerce in Uganda.  


Despite of the many economic benefits, the lowest whole month access to broadband without a data cap but with limited speed of 512kbps on a shared link costs an average of 300,000 on Warid Telecom and 299,000 on Orange Uganda Telecom.  It hence means that a month’s broadband access in Uganda costs 120 USD. That is 3 times more expensive compared to 40 USD in Kenya for unlimited broadband package. Broadband Internet access costs around $10 per month in China, compared to $30 per month in India and $27 per month in Brazil.

 “Broadband prices can be over a thousand times higher in real terms in the poorer countries,” said Oliver Johnson, CEO at Point Topic.

Analysing tariff data from the middle of 2011, Point Topic compared the cost of 12 months of subscription to the cheapest, and usually slowest, fixed broadband service. Converting prices to purchasing power parity (PPP) equivalents for over 2,000 tariffs from around the world and then combining the results with the gross national income per capita (GNI/capita) again at PPP rates for the relevant country allowing direct comparison between the markets.

“The analysis allows us to see how much of an average yearly income in each country would be needed to pay a year’s subscription for the cheapest option available. The results gap between rich and poor, the haves and have nots in broadband terms is revealing,” said Johnson.


In the 2011 survey by point topic, it is stated that 79.9% of an average yearly Kenyan income would be needed to pay a year’s subscription for the cheapest option available in Kenya.  Currently as of 2012, Uganda’s broadband costs are way more expensive compared to Kenya.   Put it into context, this paints a picture of the affordability of broadband in Uganda. It is still very expensive for the average Ugandan.  At the look of real costs, the price of 300,000 UGX for unlimited data package is over 70% of the salary for teachers and many other workers.

Even as Uganda has made big strides embracing 3G, data caps and very high broadband costs mean that Uganda still needs much to do in terms of infrastructure to lower costs for broadband if Uganda is to enjoy more economic and social benefits coming with broadband.  We hope Uganda Communication Commission and other stakeholders are working harder to try to address the challenges that are still keeping broadband access very expensive. 

2nd Evictions: Three Evicted! Zainab Moves to Upville


Tonight Seirra Leone’s Zainab survived eviction and upgraded to the classy Upville. On the other hand Dalphin her country mate, Luke, Yadel from Liberia were Evicted.

After an exhausting 2 weeks in Downville, Liberia is out of Big Brother StarGame. Sierra Leone lost Dalphin but still they have Zainab in the game.

As usual, the Housemates gathered in the lounge in anticipation of the fate of their Housemates.

Zainab and Dalphin were the first to be asked to leave the House. There were a lot of “I love yous” and hugs exchanged proving that the girls had made a mark on their Housemates.

Asked about her relationship with Seydou, Zainab said they don’t really hate each other but they just didn’t get along.

Dalphin said she enjoyed every moment in the House but she didn’t like how some people took advantage of each other.

Liberia’s Luke and Yadel were next in line and Luke couldn’t hold back his tears.

On stage, Yadel was asked if she’s still in a relationship and she said “I was and I hope I still am.” Dalphin was the first to be evicted followed by Yadel then Luke. At that point, Zainab was already in tears

Zainab welcome to the classy Upville, we hope you will keep up to the standards.

Tech Jobs Are Not Just For the Tech Degree Holders



During the year 2004 as I searched for internship with one of the Telecom companies, in Uganda, I visited a Network Management Centers (NMC) of the Telecom Company. On my visit, I expected to find engineers and not marketing models. Well to my surprise I found this stunningly fashionable lady who could pass as a model or someone more fit for front end roles. She was an engineer and doing her job diligently. Latter when I learnt this model-engineer’s background; I discovered she had transitioned into a tech job from another discipline.    With or without a tech degree, you can get a tech job if you are committed to get one.   Of course most employers’ preference will first be for trained engineers of IT specialist but even someone coming from a typical arts background or marketing can transition into a tech job. HOW?

In a Mashable piece, 6 Ways to Get a Tech Job without a Tech Degree, Aaron Shapiro  CEO of Huge, gives some tips of how to get a tech job without a tech degree.  He advices, that you learn how the web works starting with HTML and JavaScript. He further advises that you start with a digital job in your current company by offering yourself to help where there is need for an internal company project.  He also encourages those interested in tech jobs to position themselves as innovators by creating or initiating new products, and become industry thought leaders though engaging in technical forums online and offline.

With time and commitment, following some of these tips, your chances of getting a tech job will be much brighter and soon it will happen just like the model-engineer I met at one of Uganda telecom operators NMC. Full Article, 6 Ways to Get a Tech Job without a Tech Degree