Home News The Orange Africa Social Venture Prize 2012

The Orange Africa Social Venture Prize 2012

The Orange Africa Social Venture Prize 2012


As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy and its Innovation strategy, Orange has launched the Orange African Social Venture Prize a project that aims at promoting social innovation for development.

According to http://www.starafrica.com The African Social Venture Prize will reward three projects or enterprises addressing needs of the ‘bottom of pyramid’ market in Africa through technology. The 3 winners will receive a financial grant (25,000 Euro, 15,000 Euro, and 10,000 Euro) and they will also benefit from a 6-month mentoring by management experts.

The digital projects range from e-health and mobile banking to digital and mobile applications for education or agriculture.


Orange states that Participants, regardless of nationality, must be more than 21 years old, can either be students, entrepreneurs or companies in activity since June 2009. The businesses or projects submitted are required to target at least one of the African countries of Orange’s footprint. Their core business has to use technology in an innovative way to enhance living conditions of local populations.

The African countries of Orange’s footprint are Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Uganda, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Botswana.

 Applications are open from:  May 22nd to September 21st 2012.