Home News Software Engineers Most Paid At Google; Which Job Is Most Paid At MTN?

Software Engineers Most Paid At Google; Which Job Is Most Paid At MTN?

Software Engineers Most Paid At Google; Which Job Is Most Paid At MTN?


 Outside of the top executives and offices, Google’s software engineers are the best-paid employees at the company. This may not come as much surprise since Google is a tech, largely internet and software company.  Below is the list of top 10 jobs at Google based on salaries.




What they do

1.       User experience researcher


User experience (or UX) researchers make sure Google knows how its customers feel about the products.

2.       Software engineer


They crunch out code for all of Google’s products, like search and Android.

3.       Financial analyst


Make sure Google reporting is accurate and it knows exactly how much money it’s making with specific products

4.       Product marketing manager


Product marketing managers determine what customers want and need out of a company’s products.

5.       Software research engineer


Research new projects that might turn into significant Google products.

6.       Research engineer


Research engineers more toward the hardware side of the company

7.       Sales engineer


Sales engineers help Google’s customers solve key technical issues with whatever product they’re deploying. This is especially important for companies that deploy Google’s apps, like Gmail.


8.       Product manager


They interact with sales, software engineers, marketing managers and just about every other piece of a project.

9.       Research scientist


Research on fringe projects, like driver-less cars, that need research scientists.

10.   Senior software engineer


Google’s best software engineers make the most money at the company.


In Uganda Telecoms are some of the leaders in Tech, We may expect  that network engineers would be among the top ten for Uganda companies such as MTN, Orange, Airtel, UTL and Warid and it would not be a surprise if the top 10 paying jobs at these Uganda companies are dominated by Engineers.   Which job is most paid at MTN?