Home News Introducing Latif Designer

Introducing Latif Designer

Introducing Latif Designer

Latif Designs is an innovative concept based on big dreams and a wide vision. Latif Designs makes people aware that good quality and basically fun casual wear can be designed in Uganda.

Through its products, Latif Designs encourages customers to buy from local designers and to be proud dressing “Uganda made’ fashion.

Latif Designer has been a designer to very many outstanding celebrities of Uganda and Africa like the Late Lucky Dube Philip, H.E Bobi Wine, Dr. Jose Chameleone, Judith Heard, Gen. Mega Dee, Miss Uganda contestants and winners, Maurice of Big Brother Africa, Eddy Kenzo, Segawa , Blood Brothers Band, corporate companies many more!!


  1. Pioneer of live clothing showcase a live cloth construction performance on stage.
  2. Winner and holder of PRADA (Practicing Designers Awards) of International Live Clothing Construction Competition (ILICLOCOCO) since 2007.
  3. Record break of 2009 Congo Brazaville live Cloth construction from 5 minutes to 3 minutes up-todate.
  4. Showcased at World Fashion show LABO Ethnik in Paris France 2008.
  5. Winner of Bronze Award at FIMA- African Fashion Competition in Niamey, Niger 2007.
  6. Rated the fastest designer of trendy fashions, 2008.
  7. Won an Art Residence at City des Arts Residents Paris France, 2008.
  8. Pursued Internship at Zully Bet Autelier., Paris France.
  9. Showcased at FESTACC Mashion House in Durblin Ireland, 2007.
  10. Dressed Africa’s fallen Reggea Maestro/Legend/Superstar- Lucky Dube at his last VIP Concert at Kampala Serena Hotel former Nile Hotel.
  11. Showcased at M-NET, Face Of Africa’s 2009.
  12. Showcased at Bayimba International Festival.
  13. Organizer of  RASMAS Global Festival, of the fallen and Living, Social and Political personalities since 2008- Todate.
  14. Propriator of Latif Academy Talent School.
  15. Fashion tutor at Tinner International School of Beauty and Fashion Designing
  16. Record breaker of Live Cloth Construction, 8 dresses in 21.25 Mins/ seconds at XENSON FASHION SHOW, Serena Hotel, 9th/Nov/2011
  17. Senior Judge at Uganda’s Next Top Model, 2010

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