Home News 5 Must Follow Tips If You Want a Successful Wedding

5 Must Follow Tips If You Want a Successful Wedding

5 Must Follow Tips If You Want a Successful Wedding

You are looking forward to making a lifetime commitment with that beautiful lady or man that you chose, but want to waste all your relationship before marriage! It sounds so simple to imagine big things but so hard to implement every single plan especially when there is no much saved cash. Yes, your friends, family may have to contribute something, but have you thought of the impact of that process to your relationship?

You wife might distrust you in the period of preparation not because you cheated on her, but you maybe showed her the kind of friends that you actually have. Remember a friend in need is a friend indeed! Now, let’s take away all that stress and first plan our wedding before we set budgets to friends. Make sure, you hit only things that help you grow more in love and trust as a couple.

Below are 5 must follow tips to help you have a successful wedding;

1. Don’t waste money on an Expensive engagement ring Or Leave it.

Two options, you know your pocket better even more than your lover. So think of it before you rush spending 1000 dollars for an engagement ring that you will put away after the wedding. Just look out for one that is simple and really represents your love and affection for that special someone, buy that. Alternatively, if she is not bothered, then leave it, plan for the wedding expenditures.

2. Save on the wedding rings too.

Okay, it so true, wedding rings aren’t usually a major cost. They’re a lot less than the engagement ring. But gold prices are up 30% in a year and they’ve more than doubled over five years. Platinum’s booming, even silver has now taken off. Buy simple wedding rings, just make sure you make the perfect choice, and look out for the good ones that match with your planned expenditure.

3. Don’t get too traditional about the bills.

Why do you want to copy all the procedures you have known of for years? There are no rules to govern your preparations apart from church where terms and conditions apply. So now, think your own way out as long as the legal way (Church/court/mosque) is catered for. It is not a must to make a reception and neither is it a must to make it out of home. So make the most feasible decision.

4. Don’t get hung up on a Saturday.

Why does everybody have to get married on Saturday?

Saturday is the concept in this case, but it is a common day for different marriages especially in the Christian world. Now, make the difference, organize your wedding on a Wednesday, Thursday or any other day. If you were scared of many paying attention to all your wedding detail, trust me few or no one will have to pay much attention. Remember they are thinking about work, class etc.

5. Have two receptions.

This sounds extravagant but it is realistically so cheap. Why should you stress on serving everybody you invited the same way. Make up a short list of people you want to invite on a special reception and another of the people that you have to invite to your other reception.

Why do you worry about that aunt who wished you marry a Zungu!? And that uncle of yours that only criticizes whatever he knows about you.

Now invite the many to a simple reception, you can treat them to soft drinks and a few snacks in the afternoon and later in the night, go enjoy a reception with your few invited guests. 

Trust me, you will save for more 60% of your would be budget for one big reception.

Only follow these guidelines and you will bear me witness. Till them, just keep right here on HiPipo 5Star for more amazing features, business news, tech updates and so much more.