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Password Security: Twitter Reminder



In a blog post twitter reminds its users about their password security highlighting best practices around passwords – both on Twitter and on the Internet generally. Among the reminders twitter posted that we further elaborate are:

1.     Use a strong password. Your password should be at least 8 characters that include upper and lower case characters, numbers, and symbols. You should always use a unique password for each website you use; that way, if one account gets compromised, the rest are safe.  In order to more easily remember these passwords, paraphrases can be used

What makes a password or passphrase strong?

A strong password:


A strong passphrase:

·         Is at least eight characters long.

·         Does not contain your user name, real name, or company name.

·         Does not contain a complete word.

·         Is significantly different from previous passwords.

·         Contains a combination of uppercase, lowercase, figures and symbols.


·         Is 20 to 30 characters long.

·         Is a series of words that create a phrase.

·         Does not contain common phrases found in literature or music.

·         Does not contain words found in the dictionary.

·         Does not contain your user name, real name, or company name.

·         Is significantly different from previous passwords or passphrases.

2.     Watch out for suspicious links, and always make sure you’re on Twitter.com before you enter your login information. Be cautious when clicking on links in Direct Messages. Whenever you are prompted to enter your Twitter password, just take a quick look at the URL and make sure you’re actually on Twitter.com. Phishing websites will often look just like Twitter’s login page, but will actually be for destinations other than Twitter. If ever in doubt, just go directly to twitter.com in your browser. 

This reminder if for every website and application one tries to access. It is common that users on Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social networking platforms will get so accustomed to the look of these platforms that they may forget to look at the URLs they are visiting. A phishing attack may take advantage of this and unsuspecting users will have their accounts compromised having provided their login details through the phishing attack.  

3.      Don’t give your username and password out to unknown third parties, especially those promising to get you followers or make you money. When you give your username and password to someone else, they get complete control of your account and can lock you out of your account or take actions that cause your account to be suspended. Be wary of any application that promises to make you money or get you followers. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! 

4.     Make sure your computer and operating system is up to date with the most recent patches, upgrades, and anti-virus software. Keep your browser and operating system updated with the most current versions and patches; patches are often released to address particular security threats. 



Here are the 25 most common passwords of 2012

1. password (Unchanged)
2, 123456 (Unchanged)
3. 12345678 (Unchanged)
4. abc123 (Up 1)
5. qwerty (Down 1)
6. monkey (Unchanged)
7. letmein (Up 1)
8. dragon (Up 2)
9. 111111 (Up 3)
10. baseball (Up 1)
11. iloveyou (Up 2)
12. trustno1 (Down 3)
13. 1234567 (Down 6)
14. sunshine (Up 1)
15. master (Down 1)
16. 123123 (Up 4)
17. welcome (New)
18. shadow (Up 1)
19. ashley (Down 3)
20. football (Up 5)
21. jesus (New)
22. michael (Up 2)
23. ninja (New)
24. mustang (New)
25. password1 (New)
If your password looks line one on this list: Please change it immediately 


Who owns a Social Media Account associated with a Company Brand?



Forbes in the article “Company Social Media Accounts — Who Owns Those Twitter Followers?” discuses an emerging contentious issue about the ownership of social media accounts that are directly or indirectly used by the company or its employees in carrying out their duties.

Whereas it is common knowledge that the employee that could be using a twitter account such as “Brand_Employee_Name” will at one time leave the company, there are growing examples of Uganda companies where it is publicly know that a particular employee using an account with a brand reference is a customer relations contact for the brand.  

The question these companies need to address is if they have considered the implications of this employee leaving; does he keep the fans/followers or does the account bearing the employers’ brand name get terminated, and if terminated what would the cost of loosing those  followers and brand fans contacts?  Uganda companies should clearly address the questions of who owns a Social Media Account associated with a company brand.


Telecom Operators on Facebook: MTN Uganda Still Most Popular



Telecoms operating with in Uganda have continued to accelerate their activities on Facebook as means to allure more subscribers and fans.

The increased activity comes at the back of ever growing internet and particularly Facebook usage.

Facebook has in the last one year become one of the main advertising platforms for brands in Uganda thanks to its interactive and immediate feedback it generates about any campaign.

Today, more than 537,000 Ugandans are using Facebook, a number that will continue to grow as internet becomes more reliable, affordable and accessible. Altogether, Uganda has about 5 million internet users.

By February 18, 2013, MTN Uganda continued to be the most popular telecom on Facebook in both total fans and local fans numbers.  MTN Uganda official page on Facebook had 89,388 likes altogether. Of these, 63,664 were local fans (fans with in Uganda).

Airtel Uganda followed with 51,838 likes. However, of these, only 12,650 fans were local fans.

Here is the full list of all telecoms and their fans trends as of 18th February.



Total Fans

Local Fans

Talking about Us

Most Popular City

MTN Uganda




Kampala, Uganda

Airtel Uganda




Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Orange Uganda




Kampala, Uganda

Warid Uganda




Kampala, Uganda

Uganda Telecom




Kampala, Uganda

Smile Telecom


Not available


Kampala, Uganda


Note: This analysis only considered telecoms with voice and VAS services that have been operational for more than one year. 


MTN Uganda Registers a Big Boost in Customer Consumption




MTN Uganda kicked off this year with high activity recorded from its customers.

This success has been registered through the increase in voice calls, SMS activity, data transaction volumes and mobile money transactions as compared to the same period last year.

In comparison to a period one year ago, ‘person to person’ SMS figures that were at 12 million have seen an increase to 14 million for the same period in 2012.

Figures were compared for the festive period, 24 December 24th to 1st January, showing a marked increase in SMS transactions of almost 20% increase in transactions.

In 2012, MTN Uganda launched a number of voice and SMS promotions on Facebook such as “Fastest Fingers” that gave customers an opportunity to stay in touch using the SMS service.

MTN recorded a 52% rise in voice calls during the festive season and conversations continue to increase as it provides more value to their customers each year.

Atleast 89% increase was registered in terms of data volumes consumed during the festive period compared to 2011. MTN’s customers consumed more than 50 Terabytes worth of internet downloads and uploads during December 2012 alone.

“We are optimistic that 2013 will be a largely successful year evidenced by the increase in activity on voice, SMS and data transactions on the MTN Network during the festive season and into the New Year,” says Mike Blackburn, Chief Financial Officer at MTN Uganda.

MTN Uganda has made significant investments into its network over the last two years and these investments have started to reap dividends.

To cement this exponential growth, a few weeks ago, MTN announced its plans to deploy LTE in Uganda. This new technology provide capacity for high speed data for both mobile phones and data terminals.

In 2013 alone, MTN Uganda plans to invest USD 70 million added to another USD 80 million that was spent in 2012, in a way to expand its network infrastructure that will support mobile customer growth and rollout new innovative digital solutions.

MTN Uganda continues to dominate the Mobile Money business.  The Operator recorded over 200 million transactions on its Mobile Money platform during the 2012 festive period which represents a 210% growth transactions and 110% growth in the amount of money sent during the festive period in 2011. Over 25 million transactions were carried out during December 2012.

“These figures show that our customers were able to communicate with their loved ones during the festive season as well as ably carry out their financial transactions on the MTN network at this important time of year. We are glad to be a reliable partner for this activity,” added Blackburn.

“Our focus as a business is to provide superior customer experience and relevant products and services that suit the needs of our customers. Going forward we will ensure that we continue to remain relevant to our growing customer base through innovation and dedicated customer service. MTN will work extensively with all existing and new licensed operating telecom providers to develop the ICT agenda of Uganda,” Blackburn concluded.

MTN Uganda Foundation donates Millions to Lacor Hospital




In a way to commemorate International Childhood Cancer Day, The MTN Uganda Foundation on Friday 15th February donated UGX 15million towards the purchase of Cancer Drugs for Lacor Hospital in Gulu.

The UGX 15 million was donated towards the purchase of children’s Anti-Cancer drugs to the St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor. St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor is a nonprofit hospital located 6km from Gulu.

“As MTN Uganda, we realise and understand the importance of continued support towards the communities where we operate. The fight against cancer especially among children, who are the most vulnerable group among us, is a noble one and is one that we are committed to support,” said Mazen Mrouè, CEO, MTN Uganda.

Global statistics revealed that, each year, more than 160,000 children worldwide are diagnosed with cancer, and about 90,000 die from the disease. In Uganda over 1,500 children are diagnosed with cancer annually while cancer cases continue to grow from 15,000 in 2010 to over 33,000 currently.

Dr. Cyprian Opira The Executive Director of Lacor Hospital said, “Cancer treatment especially in children is one area that Lacor Hospital focuses on. This is because of the high cost of treatment which is often not affordable by most of our patients. We thank the MTN Uganda Foundation for their contribution of UShs. 15 million that will go towards the treatment of the most serious cases.”

Lacor Hospital has focused on treating Lymphorma and cancer of the kidney in children. There are approximately 150 new cases reported in a year and yet curable if treatment is started early.

According to the Uganda Cancer Institute, only 15% of children with cancer countrywide are diagnosed in time because of ignorance and poor training. This has led to reporting of the cancers at a late stage of infection leading to deaths which could have otherwise been stopped. There is therefore a need to increase the sensitisation of the public through an elaborate awareness campaign.

World Cancer Day is marked on February 4th to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. This Day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration, written in 2008. The primary goal of the World Cancer Day is to significantly reduce death and illness caused by cancer by 2020.

World Cancer Day 2013 (4 February 2013) focused on Target 5 of the World Cancer Declaration: Dispel damaging myths and misconceptions about cancer, under the tagline “Cancer – Did you know?”. World Cancer Day is a chance to raise collective voices in the name of improving general knowledge around cancer and dismissing misconceptions about the disease.

“We believe that through this contribution, St Mary’s Hospital Lacor, which currently offers free and highly subsidised Children Cancer treatment will be able to offer this service to more children and families affected by cancer and we call on more corporate entities to support the fight against Cancer in Uganda,” Mroué said.

The MTN Uganda Foundation is a non-profit legal entity that was inaugurated in July 2007 as a vehicle through which MTN Uganda implements its’ Corporate Social Investments (CSI). The Foundation strives to improve the quality of life in communities where MTN Uganda operates in a sustainable way. Since its launch, the MTN Foundation has supported a number of initiatives in the areas of Education, Health, Arts and Culture, Environment, Community Development and Low cost housing.

Join the struggle to fight cancer!!! 

Facebook Was Victim of ‘Sophisticated Attack’; Why Ugandans Need to Take Note!


Facebook issued a statement on Friday that it was hit with a “sophisticated attack” in January, but no user data was compromised. The attack was caused when Facebook employees visited a malicious website that installed malware onto their computers.

4 Years ago, such an attack may have passed the keen interest of Ugandans but it should not as of 2013. Many Ugandans and Ugandan companies are providing Facebook sensitive data and more critically payment information such as debit/credit card details in order for them to advertise on Facebook.

The implication of this is that any security breach of Facebook that may potentially lead to loss of user data can lead some Ugandan data including critical payment information to land in the wrong hands.

It is hence critical that Ugandans that are investing time and resource though advertising with Facebook should pay more interest to such security breaches and where needed act promptly to change to more secure passwords and set more privacy and security controls including setting Facebook to use SSL by default for user accounts that are transacting with Facebook. 

Pepsi Embraces the Harlem Shake



Where there is Pepsi there is Music! Pepsi the sponsor brand of HiPipo Music Award 2013, has in the US embraced the Harlem Sharke the purported  2013’s answer to “Gangnam Style.”

Harlem Shake videos all follow the script of one person, often in a helmet, dancing alone in a room full of bored-looking people. Then, as the beat kicks in on Baauer’s “Harlem Shake,” we smash cut to the entire room going nuts in the most ridiculous ways possible.

Check out Pepsi Harlem Shake video

Valentine’s Day is a Whole Romantic Affair




Understanding of Valentine’s Day differs among people, societies, cultures and state of living. Whereas so many believe that valentine is all about sharing love with the many you care about, majority of the world people think valentine’s day is all about sharing love with those you romantically and sexually care about.

Medi Kimbugwe, the creative director of HiPipo.com yesterday posted on his wall, “Kale bambi with this weather…………..I see many getting pregnant on Valentine’s Day!!!!”

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, Our Valentine’s Day, YOU and YOUR loved one(s). I unfortunately did nothing much about the day, I just spent a little time off to send someone a message, and tell her that she is amazingly gorgeous, special , beautiful and a true friend that I found in my life.

She replied in a sweeter way, with praises, and making me feel like I am a doctor that cures her most hurting wounds, the teachers that writes readable text on a white board using white chalk, or perhaps that musician whose voice makes rhythms without help of any instrument.

In Kampala, a number of events took place with Mampi’s Africana concert as the headliner. Unlike the past Valentine days in this city, yesterday, I hardly saw anyone or a pair of lovers putting on red and black!

Social media was yesterday and days prior attacked by millions of heart breakers and hunters of love all in the name of sharing their love to those they care about! On Facebook and twitter the words #love #valentine #roses were largely used.

This and more reasons make me believe that Valentine’s Day is a romantic affair and nothing else! Why would one be chucked for failure to deliver a rose flower on Valentine’s Day? What do you think Valentine’s Day is all about?? Share your views in the comments section below.

Back Ground

Valentine’s Day, is observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it is not a public holiday in most of them.

St. Valentine’s Day began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. The most popular martyrology associated with Saint Valentine was that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire; during his imprisonment, he is said to have healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius.

Legend states that before his execution he wrote her a letter “from your Valentine” as a farewell. Today, Saint Valentine’s Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion, as well as in the Lutheran Church.

The Eastern Orthodox Church also celebrates Saint Valentine’s Day, albeit on July 6th and July 30th, the former date in honor of the Roman presbyter Saint Valentine, and the latter date in honor of Hieromartyr Valentine, the Bishop of Interamna (modern Terni).

The day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as “valentines”. Valentine’s Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards.

Centenary Bank unveils CenteMobile




Centenary Bank has unveiled CenteMobile, a full banking service, which enables its customers to carry out financial transactions and access banking information using their mobile phones, at anytime and anywhere.

Speaking at the launch of the service at Mapeera HouseAllen Ayebare, the Chief Manager Corporate Affairs and Communications said; CenteMobile allows customers to transfer funds from their Centenary Bank accounts to other accounts, monitor and check their account balances, request for mini-statements, purchase airtime and pay utility bills like; electricity and water.

“The launch of CenteMobile means that Centenary Bank’s 1.3 million customers, and mobile user in Uganda can now access and enjoy affordable financial services wherever a mobile telecommunications network exists. All they have to do is sign up for the service to enjoy the benefits. CenteMobile is here to complement our robust network of 59 branches and over 130 ATMs countrywide.”

Ayebare added that CenteMobile has been designed with a variety of services and features to ease the lives of the bank’s customers in a fast paced world.

“Just like many Centenary Bank products and services, CenteMobile comes with affordable and competitive rates. This means that customers are going to save a lot of money and time when it comes to transacting with us.”

Edith Kababure, the chief manager E-Banking, Centenary Bank, noted that CenteMobile is designed to suit the needs of individuals, sole proprietors and companies with capacity of making individualized transactions. “The service will enable customers pay for the goods at Hardware stores, Taxis, pharmacies, boda boda, kiosks, retailers, transporters, contractors, you name it. All one has to do is to open an account with Centenary Bank and ask your supplier or buyer to open an account in the bank.”

Kababure added that the service is very convenient and allows one to transact using any type of phone, whether a simple phone or a smart phone. CenteMobile can be accessed on mobile networks including; MTN, Airtel, Warid, Orange and Uganda Telecom and it allows one to transact using both simple phone and smart phones.

Big Brother Africa Star also musician, Goldie Harvey is dead.




Barely two days after she returned to Lagos after attending the Grammys in the United States of America, Nigeria’s version of Lady Gaga, Susan Oluwabimpe Harvey, popularly known as Goldie, is dead. “It is with heavy heart that I have to inform you all that Goldie passed on this night shortly after arriving Lagos from LA. May her soul rest in the eternal peace of the Lord,” message posted by the administrator of the late’s page. RIP GOLDIE.

Kennis Music; the label the former BBA Star was signed to has released statement confirming Goldie Harvey’s death. Below is the full statement

“With a deep sense of loss, we announce the shocking death of our darling music star, Goldie Harvey.” Goldie, 31, died on Thursday after she complained of a severe headache shortly after her arrival from the United States where she went to witness the Grammy Award. She was rushed from her Park View, Ikoyi, Lagos residence to her official hospital, Reddington, Victoria Island, Lagos where doctors pronounced her dead on arrival at exactly 7:30pm in the evening.

“We consider this period a gloomy moment for us and the entire Nigerian music industry in view of the circumstance in which she passed away; the abundance of talent she exhibited in her short but eventful music career and the various opportunities her trip to the United States of America would have availed her.

“She is survived by her father, step- mother, brothers and sisters.

“We deeply sympathise with her family and fans all over the world and very grateful to all and sundry, especially, the vibrant Nigerian media for their concern and prompt reportage. We shall keep everybody informed as events unfold as we are devastated by the sudden loss.

“Meanwhile, the remains of Goldie who hails from Ekiti State has been deposited at the mortuary of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos” the statement concludes.