Rotary- a global humanitarian organization, has planned five forums of young professionals, youth, scholars, community activists and Rotary members. The aim is to find ways of working in unity towards the common goal of making the world a better place. The forums, referred to as Rotary International Presidential Conferences, will be hosted by the Rotary International (RI) President Ron D Burton.
In Africa, Uganda has been selected as the host of the Rotary International Presidential Africa Youth Conference (RIPAy) 2013 from 4th – 5th November, 2013. It will be held at Hotel Africana, under the theme “Engage Rotary Change lives: Taking Charge of the Future” The conference will bring together over 2,000 young professionals, Rotaractors, Rotarians, Interactors and well-wishers.
Rotary is divided into Districts and Uganda belongs to District 9211, which covers Uganda and Tanzania. The head of this district is District Governor (DG) Emmanuel Katongole. He said the conference is, “An immense honor for Uganda to host an event of this magnitude. It is also a global recognition of the work and selflessness of thousands of Rotarians in Uganda.”
The RI President will arrive in Uganda on 3rd November 2013. He will hold meetings with senior government and business leaders, visit Rotary projects and chair the youth conference at hotel Africana. Mr. Burton will also participate as a “Good will Ambassador for Rotary” in the promotion of proper Hand Washing with soap.(Wash his hands following the 5 WHO recommended steps guided by the Project committee) at Kiwuliriza Primary School. He will also distribute mosquito nets and reproductive health kits to expectant mothers and young children.
Outside Uganda, the Rotary International Presidential Africa Youth Conferences will be held in India for the Asia Continent, United Kingdom for Europe and Brazil for the Americas. The Uganda conference Host is District Governor Emmanuel, the convenors are Trustee of Rotary International Sam Owori of the Rotary Club of Kampala and Past District Governor Geeta of the Rotary Club of Muthaiga Kenya.
About Rotary
Rotary is a global humanitarian organization with more than 1.2 million members in 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Rotary members are men and women who are business, professional and community leaders with a shared commitment to make the world a better place through humanitarian service.
Rotary’s top priority is the global eradication of polio. Building on its successful collaborations for polio eradication, Rotary is forging partnerships with other established organizations to achieve common humanitarian goals in the following six areas: peace and conflict prevention/resolution; disease prevention and treatment; water and sanitation; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and economic and community development. The grants support major international projects with sustainable, high impact outcomes. Rotary in Uganda is made up of more than 70 clubs spread all around the country with more than 2,000 members.