MTN Uganda launches Fast MTN HotSpot Internet



MTN customers and non-customers can now enjoy world class wireless internet from various locations both within and outside Kampala.
This comes after MTN Uganda , launched MTN Hotspot, a wireless internet service that is available to both MTN and non-MTN customers.
While launching this service, Mr Ernst Fonternel, the MTN Uganda chief marketing officer said that MTN HotSpot service is a continuation of the telecom’s commitment to further develop the telecommunication sector.
 “MTN HotSpot gives access to customers with Wi-Fi enabled devices to access the Internet. The service is available to all MTN or non-MTN customers as long as you have a Wi-Fi enabled device, enough airtime, are registered( as user) and in an area with MTN HotSpot coverage,” Mr Ernst said.
Wi-Fi enabled devices include Laptops, tablets and smart phones among others.  

The launching of MTN HotSpot was supported by live video streaming powered by Google plus hangouts. Mr Ernst (MTN CMO), who was at MTN offices at the time of the launch was able to clearly and perfectly address journalists who were seated at Faze 2 restaurant, the venue for the launch. The media asked several questions that the CMO was able to receive and respond to through the same video conferencing.

Investment in Internet availability:

MTN has continued to investment massively in to Internet services. A few weeks back, the telecommunication giant announced that it had started rolling out LTE technology, commonly referred to as 4G.
Minus this, MTN is connected to three main internet cables. These are TEAMs, EASSy and SAT3. The company also has access to internet cables that supply MTN Rwanda. 
According to Mr Ernst, all these alternatives are available to ensure internet reliability for the company’s ever-growing subcribers base.
“MTN plans to roll out internet cables to as far as the South Sudan borders. This is intended to ensure that Ugandans can from all parts of the country be able to enjoy world class internet,” Mr Ernst further explained. 
How to activate MTN HotSpot;
Switch on Wi-Fi on your device
Select MTN HotSpot
They are over 65 MTN HotSpot locations across Uganda.