MTN Uganda contributes UGX. 16 Billion to the Uganda Communications Commission Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF).



Uganda’s leading tax payer, MTN Uganda has again demonstrated its commitment to the development of the country and hashanded over a check worth Fifteen Billion, Nine Hundred and Twenty Eight Million Three Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand, and Three Hundred and Fifty Shillings to the Uganda Communications Commission Rural Communications Development Fund (RCDF) in Tax remittance. This is part of the mandatory 2% levy for all telecommunications companies.

“Telecommunications plays an increasingly important role in Uganda’s development of and the world economy and as the leading tax payer; we have an obligation to support Uganda’s development by assisting in tax collection as prescribed by the law,” saidMazen Mroué, Chief Executive Officer, MTN Uganda. 

He added that MTN Uganda is committed to continue to support the Government of Uganda and particularly the Ministry of ICT and the Uganda Communications Commission in their plans to spread ICT literacy to all regions of the country.

RCDF projects focus on ensuring access and usage of ICT services for the underserved areas. The projects implemented by RCDF include under the leadership of Uganda Communication Commission:76 Internet points of presence (POP), 106 Internet cafes, 78 ICT training centers, 4,099 Public payphones, 78 District web portals, 13 Multi-Purpose Community Tele-centers (MCT), 45 Postal projects, 708 School ICT laboratories, 174 Health ICT facilities ,90 Voice network sites, 106 Content development projects,2  Local governance projects, and 31 Other unique projects.

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The direct impact realized out of the projects implemented includes; 100% voice coverage at the sub county level, 100% data coverage for every district / town of Uganda, teaching of Computer Studies as a subject in at least 50% of government secondary schools and basic ICT equipment in all district government hospitals.

As per the latest public results shared by the company for the first quarter of 2013, MTN Uganda has continuously registered positive performance, with an increase in its subscriber base by 8.4% to 9.5 million mobile customers includes 2.6 million data customer and over 5 million Mobile Money users. The results also confirm MTN Uganda’s market share increase to 55.3% and MTN overall Value share reached 65%.

The steady growth in revenue and increased market share has continuously permitted MTN Uganda the ability to remit the UGX. 16 Billion Tax. The solid financial performance of MTN Operations is mainly attributed to attractive, segmented and bundled offers aimed at both acquisition and retention. Regionally focused sales and distribution campaigns further supported the continuous growth and overall performance.