Home News Besigye’s Bondyas confess their sins as they reveal worrying secrets

Besigye’s Bondyas confess their sins as they reveal worrying secrets

Besigye’s Bondyas confess their sins as they reveal worrying secrets


When he moved from his home in Kasangati to apparently go to church and pray, many didn’t know that opposition leader, Dr. Kiiza Besigye had an evil plan in mind. According to some of his Kanyama’s who confessed their sins and revealed disturbing secrets, the FDC party leader had planned to cause a lot of fracas in town on Sunday 28th under the guise of going to Nakasero cathedral to pray.

“We had fellow Bondyas, local youth groups and we were paid by opposition to walk with him towards Nakasero yesterday along with other groups to make sure that we cause chaos in town, undress women, burn tyres, loot, destroy property and vandalize government installations. We were even instructed to attack petrol stations along the way so that the situation gets out of control,” Said One Bondya Lubega (not real name for security reasons revealed.

According to Lubega, Dr. Besigye and his team had put together several groups who were to come from areas of Rubaga and Kawempe. They were assembled at Pope Paul memorial Centre in Rubaga where they were briefed by their leaders on their next step. “While we were at the meeting point, we were told why we had been gathered and promised money. First they said 200,000shs and then they said 100,000shs. This was at about 11.30 in the morning.

They moved us in three coasters towards Nakasero to join the team that was supposed to be coming from Kasangati side,” he adds. Trouble came when they were told that doctor had been intercepted and that Police was in charge of his movement around the city. “Shortly before we left Rubaga we got to know that Police had blocked the group that was coming from Kasangati and we were told to keep the 100k that they had given us, move on and wait for the next mission which would be soon.”

It is at this point that some of the Bondyas realized that they were being used and could end up in trouble. They demanded for what they had been promised only to be ignored. “When I looked at all this fracas that we were planning for our peaceful city with all the anger of not getting my money because police had failed the plan, I decided to confess and denounce the planned violence and mission.

I just can’t risk my life for 200,000shs which is even given to me in halves let alone destroy the entire city for some people’s selfish interests,” Lubega told us in confidence. According to him, when everyone realized that they had hit a dead end, the rowdy group then dispersed cursing their leaders who had brought them together.


Corridor Talk team.