It is undeniably true that the strength of any country lies within the education of its youth. Many underprivileged students never complete an education to the level of university. It is for this reason that the Madhvani Foundation scholarship program is offering 700million shillings. This golden opportunity to underprivileged but brilliant students this year for the 15th time.
On behalf of the five Board members, the Chairman Hon. Gerald Sendawula has launched the Madhvani Foundation scholarship fund for the academic year 2017/2018 today, he said, “the Foundation is proud to have supported over 2,000 underprivileged Ugandan students from different universities studying both scientific and technical courses. The scholarship scheme’s fund amount has grown from 300 Million shillings since 2003 to 700 Million Shillings to date.”
The Scholarship Program has witnessed incredible success stories including Martin Muganzi a 2003 beneficiary. He is currently inspiring the youth to become job creators other than job seekers. He has established a vocational enterprise for apprenticeship in Kalerwe with Tailoring, Carpentry and Agriculture skills. “ Having coming from a single parent family, school fees was a challenge but the Madhvani Foundation gave me a chance to make it in life and today I am passionate to help inspire the youth into their future” he noted.
Beatrice Apoto Madhvani Foundation administrator listed science and technical disciplines open for sponsorship as Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Actuarial Science, Architecture, Veterinary Medicine, Commerce, Hotel Management, Pharmacy, Nursing, Engineering, Food Science & Technology, Information Technology, Environment, and Medicine. She emphasized that students legible for the scholarship are undergraduate students, who have completed first year of studies at a Ugandan University; and graduate applicants who have been either admitted and/or registered for graduate programmes.
The Application form for the 2017/2018 Scholarship can be freely downloaded from the Foundation website at www.madhvanifoundation.com . Hand deliver the form to Madhvani Scholarship secretariat – Muljibhai Madhvani Foundation, Plot No. 96-98, Business Park, 5th street, Industrial Area, Kampala
The closing date for submission of completed forms is the 30th. May.2017