Brian Tebukozza

Fashion and glamour gutted theater Labonita on Saturday 4th September as the 5th edition of Miss Earth Uganda finale went down amidst overwhelming exhalation and excitement.
The search that had lasted for over 4 months with a lot of activities from learning about environmental conservation by the contestants from various parts of the country went down as Achieng Priscilla from Tororo crowned winner.

The evening was kept warm with a lineup of events from comedy, talent showcase from the contestants, national constume also known as cultural wear, the swim swift (Bikini), evening gown and then to the crowning as Voltage music group had the last on the stage performance for a relatively low turn up of revellers.
The competition had 13 girls from the different parts of Uganda battling for the final four positions that is Miss Earth Uganda, Miss Earth Fire, Miss Earth Air and Miss Earth Water. The elimination was carried out in different ways and one was through questions from judges to the contestants about the environment. This dropped off some leaving only 7 who tussled to the final bit.
“The winner will represent Uganda in Miss Earth International that is to happen in Philippines.” Andrew Kyamagero the P.R.O of Miss Earth said.

Below is the full list of winners:-
Achieng Priscilla (Tororo) – Miss Earth Uganda 2016 / Best Swim Swift
Nakirya Hindu (Mbale) – Miss Earth Air / Best National costume
Nekesa Melody Modesty (Jinja) – Miss Earth Fire
Mirembe Jackline (Luweero) – Best Talent
Nassali Esther (Mpigi) – Miss Photogenic.