Home News Social Media TO DO List 2013

Social Media TO DO List 2013

Social Media TO DO List 2013




From Amy Guth and Scott Kleinberg, Tribune Newspapers 12 social media resolutions we select what we think are the 6 must do in 2012

1.       Check and update your privacy settings.

It is very important to control what information others see of and from you.  This can cost your reputation, cost you a job e.t.c

2.      Tweet shorter.

Shorter tweets are often the most shared, so it is a good to force yourself to tweet shorter.

3.      Completely fill out profiles on all your accounts in meaningful ways

E.g Twitter profile: The initial words are the most important so start your profile with the most important key words, never with “Hi, my name is.”

4.      Keep Active Followers and Fans.

In so doing eliminate/unfollow/ from your lists users that are not active for over a long period e.g a year

5.      Be polite and kind.

Remember whenever you tweet or post a Facebook update, there is a human being out there that is reading it…be polite and kind.

6.      Keep a balanced “rule of thirds.”

·         one third of the time, share and promote your news;

·         one third of the time, share news related to your area of expertise or interests, but that originates from someone or somewhere else;

·          and the last third of the time, be social — ask and answer questions, reshare interesting things posted by others, comment and interact.

Read Details of the 12 social media 2013 resolutions here