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LinkedIn; Tips to grow your following

LinkedIn; Tips to grow your following


LinkedIn is a community of over 150 million and mostly professionals hence worth time for business networking.   There are still scanty statistics of Ugandans and East Africans on LinkedIn but LinkedIn is among the top 10 most visited websites in Uganda and East Africa hence a sign that there is a big enough community on the network. Among the tips to grow your LinkedIn community and stay on top are.

1.       Update Your Status Frequently and Consistently. This may require about two to five daily updates. Ensure you do this on the actual website itself and not use third-party tools

2.       Share and comment on the updates of your network connections.

3.       Invite more people to your network.  

4.       Start and/or participate in LinkedIn Group Discussions.

5.       Follow companies and engage with comments on company profile updates.

6.       What You Share Matters

Remember to share in an engaging way with questions the news, articles and insights that are relevant to your connections if you want to attract and grow the right audience.

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