Home News Google Africa Takes Women’s Day Celebrations to One Hangout

Google Africa Takes Women’s Day Celebrations to One Hangout

Google Africa Takes Women’s Day Celebrations to One Hangout




As many went to theatres and playgrounds to celebrate the 2013 women’s day, Google; the world’s leading internet communication solutions and search engine brand kept their celebration online through their fast growing interactive chatting platform ‘Google Hangout’

Google Africa on Friday 8th March 2013, commemorated International Women’s Day with a Hangout that was joined by inspirational women transversely from the African countries of Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and the UK.

Inspirational women from these countries met at a Hangout to discuss different issues about the women of this world. These included finance, health and education among others.

The platform enabled these women share their experiences and challenges with other women all around the world.

Uganda was represented by Sana ANZO – Founder and Managing Director, Arapapa and Susan Nsibirwa, Marketing Manager, Vision Group.