Oliver. M. Abwooli
Africa Internet Group (AIG) has today announced its adoption of a one brand strategy with Jumia at the pinnacle. This new Jumia driven ecosystem will give online customers access to 9 online platforms in a single browse.
People can now find on Jumia all their needs; branded products with Jumia: fashion and electronics with Jumia (prev. Jumia and Kaymu), local sellers with Jumia Market (prev. Kaymu), hotel booking with Jumia travel (Jovago), food delivery with Jumia food (Hello food), Jumia House(Lamudi), Jumia jobs(Ever jobs) and lastly logistics services with Jumia services(AIGX).
While announcing this, AIG management noted that this brand merger won’t affect the operation of its different businesses as they have each retained their parent management. Furthermore, they are optimistic that sellers will also benefit from this move by getting access to more traffic and to a greater world of opportunities.
“We founded our companies with a very strong belief; internet can improve people’s lives in Africa. Uniting all services allows us to better help our customers fulfil their daily aspirations,” Sacha Poignonnec, Jumia co-founder said, adding;
“This is all possible because people connect to our platform to access those services and products in an environment that we have designed for them, addressing their needs and expectations on quality, choice, price, trust and convenience.”
As part of this re- brand, the 9 companies under AIG have not only changed their names but also adopted new website domains and social media page names. For instance, www.hellofood.ug now redirects to www.food.jumia.ug.
“Operating under the same brand name reinforces the legitimacy of proposing other services to our customers and our sellers. We want to have one strong brand that is trusted and loved by our customers across Africa,” Sacha Poignonnec said.