Home News Airtel Launches its 3rd “Brick-By-Brick” Campaign in Jinja

Airtel Launches its 3rd “Brick-By-Brick” Campaign in Jinja

Airtel Launches its 3rd “Brick-By-Brick” Campaign  in Jinja


Airtel Uganda adopts its 3rd school at Nafungaki, Jinja.

  • Over 750 school children benefit, with 16- renovated classes
  • New library and computer room added

Brick-by-Brick initiative launched

  • 1st time ever, any corporate partners with customers for school adoptionand renovation.
  • Customers to help re-build the schools through their contribution via sms, Airtel money or social media promotion

Airtel Uganda today announced the adoption of its3rd school, Nafungaki Primary School, Jinjaunder the“Adopt a School” initiative.

This initiative started in July, 2012, with Airtel Uganda, adopting a new UPE school every year. Selection of the school is based on recommendation by the Ministry of Education,with the intention of renovating and upliftment of existing facilities. The day’s event, held at Magamaga Iganga road, Jinja, signaled the completion of renovation and the formal adoption of the3rdschool.

Key guests present at the occasion included: the 2ndDeputy Premier and Deputy leader of Government Business in Parliament, Rt. Hon (Rtd.) GeneralMoses Ali, the ICT Minister,Hon. John Nasasira, Area MP Hon. Daudi Migereko, LC1 Chairman and officials from Airtel Uganda. The finished work on the school showed significant improvements to the school buildings and amenities.

Airtel’s “Adopt-A-School” initiative is part of the company’s umbrella CSR program and it focuses on the education of underprivileged children in line with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals of universal primary education. The move illustrates the strong commitment and investment Airtel has put into education in Uganda. Other schools adopted by Airtel Uganda in the last 2-years include, Ndeeba Church of Uganda, Ndeeba and St. Ponsiano Kyamula, Makindye.

On this occasion, Airtel Uganda also launched its Brick-by-Brick campaign which will give all Ugandans across the country, a chance to contribute at least one brick to the building of the new classroom block in the school. This campaign is a new CSR initiative that offers all Ugandans a unique opportunity to take part and own the social responsibility initiative.

Speaking at the event, the Airtel Uganda Managing Director, Mr. Arindam Chakrabartystated; “Airtel believes thatprimary education is the foundation for the social –economic development of Uganda and plays a vital role in creating leaders for tomorrow. Through the ‘Brick-by-Brick’ initiative we provide a platform for all Ugandan citizens to contribute in this noble cause of improving class room facilities and help improve the learning conditions. Its in-line with our Together We Can movement”

Guest of Honor, the 2nd Deputy Premier and Deputy leader of Government Business in Parliament, Rt. Hon (Rtd.) General Moses Ali,commendedAirtel Uganda for partnering with the community and the Government, in helping improve the learning environment for Ugandan children. He commented, “We are very passionate about raising the profile of our primary schools and to be partnering with Airtel to attain model schools bringing our vision of world class facilities closer to realization.” 


ICT Minister Speech – Brick By Brick Launch

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to begin by thanking Airtel for inviting me to attend the launch of this school in Jinja.

Our government recognizes the pivotal role information and communications technologies (ICTs) play in accelerating economic growth and social development. The Ministry of Education and Sports is extremely heartened to see organizations like Airtel working to introduce strong educational initiatives and taking a progressive approach towards the development and improvement of Education in the country.

Through this Adopt a School initiative,Airtel has shown that there is hope for our children when it comes to education. We have to recognize the fact that not many CSR programs are geared towards education much as we know that without education our country’s future will have no strong bema to hold it.

As the minister for ICT, I urge the school administration to introduce ICT programs for the pupils and teach them more about the changing world. In many countries, students and pupils are resorting to the use of ICT to learn as is in Uganda we have introduced teaching of ICT in schools so as to take advantage of the fast change taking place in the world. One wouldn’t want to be left behind as the rest of the world moves on.

I hope the pupils have the chance to study this subject in the time to come. Allow me to invite the Third Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business General Moses Ali

Thank You.

Guest of Honor Speech: Adopt-A-School& Brick by Brick Launch

  • The ICT Minister,
  • The Honorable Member of Parliament, District Leaders LCIII, LCV.
  • Busoga Diocese,
  • School Management, children, parents
  • Airtel Management and Staff
  • Members of the press
  • All protocol observed

Good morning,

I am honored to have been invited here today to mark the official opening of the third school to be Adopted under the Airtel Our School Initiative and more so to officially endorse the Brick by Brick Social Responsibility campaign.

I would like to commend Airtel for the investments they are putting into helping us to turn Uganda’s public schools into functional institutions with proper infrastructure and sound resources.

Performance in the education system is at the heart of building the skills base for economic growth and development and ensuring that the society is able to achieve our equity and development goals. We’ve done very well as a democratic state to broaden access to education however two hands are better than one and the government’s commitment to provide knowledge and skills that are vital for economic growth and development will only bear fruit with the support and active participation of all persons. That means community leaders, parents and guardians, well-wishers and corporate organizationsalike.

We thank Airtel for its role in development and accordingly prioritizing its support for schools. Through this Adopt-A-School Initiative and Brick by Brick campaign they aim to ensure that children are well-prepared for the future.We are very passionate about raising the profile of our primary schools and to be partnering with Airtel to attain model schools brings our vision of world class facilities closer to realization.

We are aware more needs to be done to sustain the increased access and to improve the quality of the educational experience. Working with Airtel, provinces and districts, it is our earnest endeavor to ensure that teachers teach children every day, that learners have the necessary textbooks and workbooks, that the curriculum is covered and that students are supported where they need additionalhelp.

Airtel has truly lived up to their tag line TOGETHER WE CAN here today. Working together we can do more to improve the quality of basic education and make a difference in the lives of children. Together with education partners and stakeholders, including parents and guardians, we must ensure that all children come to school regularly and live up to their fullest potential.

In closing, I wish to urge the school leadership, teachers and students of Nanfugaki Church of Uganda Primary School to make the most of this investment. Your conduct and how you respond to this helping hand will greatly aid other equally deserving schools to receive a helping hand from the community and the business sector.

I would therefore, request everyone to emulate Airtel and support the Brick by Brick initiative and have the rare opportunity to be the first to contribute a brick today to ensure more schools are built and facilitated to full capacity for the betterment of Education in our country.

Thank You


The Third Deputy Premier, Hon. General Moses Ali, the ICT Minister, Hon. John Nasasira, your Lordship the Mayor of Jinja, our LC5 Chairman,  parents and teachers, invited guests and the media, ladies and Gentlemen.


Today, I am extremely proud to unveil the renovations made at the Nanfugaki Primary School, Jinja. I’m equally glad that among us we have the Mayor of Jinja and the LC5 chairman Jinja here today who have been instrumental figures and advocates for education. Without the support of our beloved line Minister for ICT we would not all be here and we thank you sir for making the time. I must note that is indeed great Honor to have amidst us the Third Deputy Premier who has chosen to honor us with his presence on what is also quite a busy time for him.

Today’s occasion flows from the partnership between Airtel Uganda, local communities and the Ministry of Education, and I would like to thank all our partners for the immense contribution and support they have given to this initiative. The fact that we are here today breaking ground on yet another school project demonstrates that our bonds of partnership are based on unity in action and are not just empty promises.

Improving learning outcomes for students should be a priority for the nation and the education sector. The physical environment is one of the easiest conditions that positively or negatively influence student academic achievement. The influences of such things as the lighting, flooring, furniture, and architecture, accessibility and cleanliness, are important elements of the learning experience and we must remember not to underestimate the impact they have.

Airtel believes in quality education being the most important tool for the social –economic development of Uganda and a vital role in poverty alleviation. By adopting a school we are not only providing children with an opportunity they may not have had otherwise, but igniting their curiosity and fueling their learning.

The Millennium Development Goals underscore the transformative nature of education. Airtel is doing its part to help our nation achieve those goals. We have heeded the call to make education a societal issue and are investing heavily in the resources vital to education. I have no doubt that year to year the selected schools will indeed benefit from this intervention.

Education is the bedrock of development. When it comes to teaching our youth all that can be done, needs to be done and today we are seeing the fruits of the commitment we have made to see real improvements in performance in the education sector.

Today is also a monumental day because we are launching the Brick by Brick initiative.Airtel with the Brick by Brick initiative aims to encourage the public buy a brick or bricks and together change a child’s life, through Airtel money, Facebook and SMS facilities.

With the help of communities, the Adopt-A-School initiativecan direct resources towards areas where support is really needed.Airtel is proud and privileged to be able to lend a helping hand. These acts of social responsibility go to show that working together we can do more to transform our schools into centers of excellence. Let us continue to work together to build an education system that will truly redress inequalities in educational provision and provide an education of progressively high quality for all learners.

I would now like to invite our guest of honor and all our partners to do the honors of breaking the ground, setting the foundations on which this new school project will commence.

Thank You