Guinness Football Challenge; Kenya, Ghana in Stiff Competition for Semi –Final Spots




…….as Cameroun struggles in the Guinness Football Challenge

East Africa and West Africa battled it out in the third quarter final of the Guinness Football Challenge Pan-African game that saw the red team from Kenya and blue team from Ghana qualify for the semifinals before the last quarter final scheduled for 22nd May, 2013.

Cameroun were painfully eliminated during a tie breaker after the brawn of the Kenyan team had skillfually sailed their team into the semi-finals after clocking 46seconds in the ‘Obstacle Challenge’, a first in this season leaving Ghana and Cameroun tied on points.

This has left Kenya with two teams in the semifinals, Ghana with two teams and Tanzania and Cameroun with one team each as we await the last pair to close the list of 8 teams that will clash at the next stage of the Guinness Football Challenge.

Contestants stand a chance to win up to 48,000USD, in all the quarter final stages. In the 3rd quarterfinal played on Wednesday, Jonathan Baan and Desmond Odaano from Ghana made it to the final round – The Money Wall – and managed to walk away with 3000 USD and promised to be back in the semi-finals with even more gusto to increase their winnings in another fete of reaching The Money Wall round.

The Ghanaian team is the third team from West Africa to make it through to the semi final level where contestants stand to win up to a maximum of 64,000 USD. The Guinness Football Challenge gets more exciting every week as contestants display their A-game for an opportunity to win the top prize.

East Africa is represented by Kenya and Tanzania while West Africa is represented by Cameroun and Ghana.