England’s Lord Hoffmann Refutes Turkcell Claims Against MTN



Following a year-long independent investigation, in which Lord Hoffmann led a review of the allegations made by Turkcell in the legal case brought against MTN in the United States, Lord Hoffmann presented the Committee’s findings, absolving the MTN Board.

In a press statement Issued by MTN Group Corporate Affairs, The MTN Group welcomed the rejection of Tukcell’s allegations of impropriety against MTN stating that “Lord Hoffmann’s Committee has determined that the Turkcell allegations are without foundation.  Lord Hoffmann concluded that he found nothing in the conduct of MTN over this period that puts at question MTN’s integrity or propriety. This is a reassuring validation of MTN’s culture and ethical business practices. The Board is particularly pleased to note Lord Hoffmann’s categorical findings that the allegations against MTN’s former Group President and CEO PhuthumaNhleko and MTN‘s former Commercial Director Irene Charnley were baseless.  Allegations of complicity against the Chairman and the Group President and CEO Sifiso Dabengwa were similarly found to be without substance.”

Please find the complete statement from MTN Group Corporate Affairs below



Friday, 01 February 2013


For immediate release


Johannesburg –In February 2012, the MTN Board commissioned Lord Hoffmann to lead a review of the allegations made by Turkcell in the legal case brought against MTN in the United States.  

Lord Hoffmann was born in South Africa and has enjoyed an illustrious career as a senior British judge, being appointed to the UK House of Lords in 1995. We felt that the seriousness of these allegations merited an authoritative and independent investigation. As an international jurist of unquestionable legal authority and independence, Lord Hoffmann was selected to chair the Special Committee established by the MTN Board to investigate the allegations.   

Following a year-long investigation, Lord Hoffmann has presented the Committee’s findings today to the MTN Board.

Lord Hoffmann’s Committee has determined that the Turkcell allegations are without foundation.  Lord Hoffmann concluded that he found nothing in the conduct of MTN over this period that puts at question MTN’s integrity or propriety. This is a reassuring validation of MTN’s culture and ethical business practices. The Board is particularly pleased to note Lord Hoffmann’s categorical findings that the allegations against MTN’s former Group President and CEO PhuthumaNhleko and MTN‘s former Commercial Director Irene Charnley were baseless.  Allegations of complicity against the Chairman and the Group President and CEO Sifiso Dabengwa were similarly found to be without substance.   

We have accepted Lord Hoffmann’s recommendation that his report be published in full.  The report and a video of Lord Hoffmann delivering the Executive Summary of the Committee’s report are available on the MTN website.  The Board is grateful to Lord Hoffmann, and Independent Non-Executive Directors Peter Mageza and Jeff van Rooyen for their work, and the scope and detail of their conclusions. 

MTN is one of Africa’s success stories – a great company founded on innovation, courage, and values of honesty and ethical business dealings.  I am proud of what we bring to the communities and markets we work in, and what MTN does to improve lives.  We can now put these events behind us, and move forward as one of Africa’s great companies.

Issued by MTN Group Corporate Affairs

About MTN Group:  Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a multinational telecommunications group, operating in 21 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code: “MTN.” As of 30 September 2012, MTN recorded 182.7 million subscribers across its operations in Afghanistan, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Republic, Iran, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville), Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Uganda, Yemen and Zambia. Visit us at www.mtn.com and www.mtnfootball.com